The 2020 Elections GeoSummit was held on December 10. Each year, the event brings together elected officials, the nation’s leaders in elections management and geographic information systems (GIS), as well as non-profits, academia, and the private sector to share leading-edge findings and craft best practices to enhance election systems.
The 2020 Elections GeoSummit featured panel discussions on election data transparency, the partnership between GIS and elections on a county level, the learnings of the 2020 pilot project participants, and the role of state statute in advancing the use of GIS in elections. Recordings are now available for anyone who was unable to participate on the day.
The Geo-Enabled Elections project is currently accepting applications from states and counties wishing to participate as pilots in 2021. Pilot states and counties benefit from the support of GIS and election experts, as well as from peers, as they work to elevate their use of GIS. Please contact the project for more information.
Recordings of the Elections GeoSummit sessions are now available via this link. Please note that you must be logged into the system to access the recordings. To receive a free account, please contact Emily Ruetz. After you have logged in, click on the session you are interested in and enjoy!